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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

5 miles.

To warm up this morning I did 10 minutes on the elliptical, then 10 minutes of Yoga.  The pain and tightness in my leg is really starting to get on my nerves.  I could feel my hamstring pulling tight as I started my run, but I just keep pushing through it.  I feel like a snail as I run, with limited mobility because of the pain.  Yesterday on her blog, a friend of mine wrote about how the first 3 miles of her runs always suck,until she's loosened up, and today as I ran I was thinking about that because it's exactly the same for me.  The last mile of my run today was the best, but I've got to get something done about the pain in my leg.  At least the sun was shining, and it was a balmy 40+ degrees - I was sweating so bad that I had to remove my gloves and head warmer at the end of my run!  That actually makes me pretty happy.  When I got home, I did another 10 minutes of Yoga stretches.

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