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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

10 miles of life.

Last night I was getting ready for bed and remembered I needed to charge my phone for my long run in the morning.  As I did, I saw I had missed a text from on of my friends checking to see if I wanted to run together.  Of course, I did, since I was already planning to run, and it's always fun to have someone to run with.  Actually, I take that back.  It's always fun to run with certain running buddies.

I feel so lucky and blessed to have met and gotten to know so many wonderful people through running.  One of my current "frequent footers", Lisa, is one of those people.  Though we're similar in a lot of ways, we're also different and it's so fun to run with her because there is never a shortage of things to talk about.  It certainly makes the run go by faster - literally and figuratively - but the best thing about it is just getting to share an hour, or two (or three) with someone who just "gets it".  Thanks for a great 10 miler today, Lisa!  (Although, I have to admit, I'm a bit sore and achy tonight.  Glad we did that downhill because apparently my legs needed the practice! Haha!)

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