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Saturday, October 18, 2014

Fall runs are the best!

Somehow it's already been 7 weeks since the Pocatello Marathon.  Surprisingly, I've felt better on most of my runs since then than I did leading up to the race.  The most I've done in terms of long runs, has been 12 miles.  It's been hard for me to even find a day when I can make enough time to do a run that long.  I have been working on my shorter runs and have been doing sprints on the treadmill at least twice a week, but this morning I really felt like getting out on the road and enjoying the fall weather before things turn.

Yesterday we took the kids to an amusement park and so coming off spending about 11 hours footing it around following them  from ride to ride, I wasn't sure how I'd feel trying to run long.  I'm also 2 weeks into a keto-run and so haven't had any carbs or sugar for a while.

I set out around noon, which is kind of a late start, but I was just too tired to start any earlier.  I decided I was going to run from my house to the gym, which is around 14 miles, where my husband planned to meet me and we would lift weights for a bit before coming back home.

Right from the start I could feel my muscles aching and totally sapped of energy.  But of course I pushed through and tried to ignore how tired I felt.  Around mile 10.5, Chris drove by me and while I really wanted to make it all the way to the gym, I was so weak that I knew that trying to go another few miles would just be counter-productive.  So I jumped in the car with him and we went on to the gym where I did a less than stellar shoulder workout.

I guess sometimes all that matters is getting out there and spending time doing something that's enjoyable, but difficult and that's where the satisfaction comes.  Plus, it's so freaking beautiful outside right now!

1 comment:

  1. It is so beautiful out right now! I am loving it! Glad you got out for a nice long run, sometimes it is better to call it a run and quit, overdoing it will only get you injured anyway.


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