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Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 252.

This morning I woke up to a terrible wind and rain storm, so I decided to do my run on the treadmill.  Not so much for myself, but for my son, who I would have had to take out in the stroller, and I didn't want him to get blown away!  I warmed up with some stretching, then picked an enlightening documentary on Netflix to keep me entertained.  I walked for the first 10 minutes.  My legs are still very sore, but oddly enough, they feel less painful when I'm walking or running, than say, going up and down stairs or going from standing to sitting.  Then I did a walk/run thing, running for 1/2 a mile, then walking for 1/2 mile, until I reached 4.5 miles.  At that point my show was over, and I was a sweaty mess, so I decided to call it good.  Then I did 35 minutes of Pilates, which of course, felt oh so good!

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