Over the weekend, my husband and I watched the movie "Without Limits", again. It is, in my opinion, the best movie about Steve Prefontaine. If you haven't seen it, I highly suggest it, even if you're not a runner. One of my favorite parts of the movie comes when Bill Bowerman (Nike co-founder) says the following while speaking at Pre's funeral: "In running, it isn't about winning the race. It's about testing the limits of the human heart."
Today I put that to the test. I have come to a turning point with my running - in my mind I've been hearing myself saying, "Do it or don't do it, but quit whining about it." Today I decided to do it. It's my husband's day off, so after I took the kids to school, I geared up and headed out for a run. I wore my IT band/knee brace and my Zensah calf sleeves to help with the issues I've been having, and right from the start of my run, I used positive mantras and repeated words of affirmation in my mind. I used words and phrases like: I believe, I am strong, my legs are fast, I've got this, I am fit, I feel good, this is fun, RUN, RUN, RUN! Over, and over and over I repeated these things in my mind, sometimes even out loud...for a total of 8.4 miles, and I didn't walk even once! When I got home and downloaded my Garmin info, I had averaged a pace of 11:21 min/mile for the whole run. I am very pleased. I even got a cat-call from some guy at a factory I ran by, and I was also offered a ride by some other weird guy - okay, maybe those aren't exactly good things, but hey, I'm being positive! It may sound cheesy to some of you, but I have come to the conclusion that "winning" at something, in this example, running, is 90% mental, 10% effort.
After my run I did 30 minutes of Yoga for cool down and stretching. I'm looking forward to a great week. :)
i stumbled upon your blog this weekend as I started my own. Thanks for the inspiration!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment! Good luck with your blog, too! :)