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Thursday, August 25, 2011

9 hot miles!

This morning I left for my run after dropping all of the kiddos off at school, which means I didn't get started until around 7:45.  That's a little later than I'm used to doing my runs, especially when I need to do a medium-long run like today's 9 miler.  It's a beautiful day out there, so I'm not going to complain, but I was dripping with sweat and my face and arms were beet red by the time I finished.  I guess it's probably good for me to do some of my training runs in the heat, since on marathon day, the second half of my run will most likely be in the heat of late morning.  I did make the mistake of not taking any water with me, though.  I don't normally take water on runs shorter than 10 miles, but today I probably should have.  After my run I did 20 minutes of Pilates, and now as soon as I finish my chocolate protein smoothie, I'll be taking a cool shower! :)

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