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Monday, August 20, 2012

Busy Day!

It's been kind of a crazy, busy day for me.  After being out of town for a couple of days, I had plenty of laundry to catch up on, and a few housekeeping things to take care of, and since my kids all go back to school tomorrow, I also had some last minute school shopping to finish.

Of course I had to get my day off on the right foot, so I started out with a 6am run with my friend, Holly.  We did our usual 5 mile loop and at a quick (for me) pace of 9:38 min/mile,  I was good and tired at the end.  After that I came home and did about 100 sit-ups and 4 reps of 12 each, squats, lunges and leg lifts using 5 pound ankle weights.  When I was finished with my workout, I showered and then my husband and I went to Wal-Mart to get the rest of the things the kids need for school tomorrow.

A few hours later, we were back home where I continued to work on the laundry, made some yummy kale chips for a snack, organized the kids' bags and supplies for their first day, fixed their dinner, did more laundry, then headed off to an evening spin class.

After spinning, I came home and fixed dinner for my husband and myself - steamed salmon with red potatoes and sweet peas - then more laundry, a bath for the dog, kids to bed...and now I finally have a moment to blog. :)

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