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Monday, September 17, 2012

10 mile trail hike and spinning.

A near perfect day.  As soon as the kids were at school, Chris and I went to one of our favorite trails and hiked for about 10 miles, stopping for a picnic lunch and enjoying the gorgeous fall colors.  We saw some deer and lots of moose sign.  It was peaceful and perfect.  Not a bad workout, either.  There was an elevation gain of about 1000', so that makes for a great cardio burn, and on the way back down our quads got their workout, too.

We spent about 4 -5 hours in the mountains, then came home before the kids were out of school.

After dinner, I went into town by myself to go to a spinning class at the gym.  I will probably be doing most of my gym time alone this week, since Chris is gearing up for a marathon this weekend.  He's running in Jackson Hole and I'm so excited that we get to go along for the ride!  We'll be driving support for him and enjoying the beautiful Tetons while we watch him run! :)

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