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Thursday, September 13, 2012

A new favorite day.

I really love my Thursdays.  Chris is working day shift right now, so after the kids left for school, I headed straight to the gym.  I started with 15 minutes of strength training - triceps and back.  Then I went to my favorite spin class.  After class I showered, dressed and went to pick up some things at Wal-Mart, then got to meet Chris on his lunch break at Subway.

After lunch, I headed back to the gym where I changed back into workout clothes and went to another new favorite class - Muscle Fusion X.  One of the things I love about this class is that the instructor changes the routine every week, so we never know exactly what we'll be doing.  Some of the exercises are the same, using weights and a barbell, a step and lots of cardio intervals, but the hour goes by pretty quickly because it's always different.  It is a killer workout.  I love it.  Today's class actually lasted for about an hour and 10 minutes because the last 10 minutes we did core work.  My glutes are already sore.  There is one thing that's pretty consistent through both Muscle Fusion (Tuesday's class) and Muscle Fusion X (Thursday's class), and that's the fact that we do about a jillion reps of squats.  With the barbell.  Full squats.  Low squats.  Lower squats.  Pulsing squats.  If these classes don't get my quads and glutes ripped within the next few months, nothing will. :)

The girl in the Google image is smiling while she squats.  I was smiling, too.  Because I know that with each one I'm getting closer to having the backside that I long for. :)  One of these days I should bring my camera to my classes.  I tried once before when Chris and I were going to do a spin class, but he said I was embarrassing him. :(


  1. I can say with certainty that I would not be smiling if I did that exercise. LOL But I am not at all surprised that you do!! The key to taking pictures with your husband around is to not TELL him you're doing it, haha.


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