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Saturday, January 8, 2011

10 Miles ~ on the road!!

Well, I finally got my butt out the door for my run.  I had to sneak out early this morning, before my husband tried to talk me out of it.  He's worried about me getting hit by a car because the roads are still icy, slick and messy.  It actually wasn't too bad, though a bit slippery at times and still snowing.  I felt really good on the first half, with the wind at my back and my legs and lungs feeling strong.  I had bundled up, since it was pretty cold out there, and I was fine until I turned at 5 miles to double back and then had the wind in my face.  I pushed through it this time, and only stopped to walk for a few minutes at around 7.5 miles when I hit a big hill and my legs were really feeling the strain.  Then I started running again and made it all the way home.  Even though I feel a bit like crap right now physically, I am loving the boost of confidence and mental energy my run outside has given me today!

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