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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Biggest Loser Workout

It's Wednesday, which means last night's episode of The Biggest Loser is available on Hulu.com, so you all know what I'm doing...

I actually started my workout before taking the kids to school by doing a 25 minute Pilates DVD.  Then I put TBL on and got on the elliptical for a 30 minute programmed workout.  After that, I got on the treadmill and did a 40 minute interval run.  I basically averaged between 10 and 12 minute miles, so not a "speed" interval, but enough to get my heart rate up a little.  Then when I finished that, I still had a little bit of the show to watch, so I got back on the elliptical for another 15 minutes.  Now I plan to bundle up my 5 year old and take him for a walk in the jogger.  It's a bit chilly out there (around 40 degrees), but it's sunny, so we'll take it. :)

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