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Monday, March 26, 2012

4 mile run in the rain, and a bunch of other stuff!

I've had quite the adventurous day, fitness-wise.  I started out my morning with a bit o' Jillian (Michaels) and her 30 minute Yoga Meltdown.  I haven't done that DVD in a while.  I'd forgotten how hard core she is.  After that, I geared up and headed outside to go for a run.  I had intended to do the 9 mile loop.  As I started out, things seemed fine, though there were some very scary looking clouds rolling in - quickly.  I got out a little over 2 miles and when the rain and fierce wind started, I decided to just turn around and head back before I got too far and had to call in hubby for a ride back home.  So, back home after just 4.5 miles at about a 10 min./mile pace, I took off the wet clothes, and put on different workout clothes, started some laundry then got on the treadmill where I did run/walk intervals for 45 minutes.

Then, late this afternoon, after feeding the kids dinner and getting them all started on their homework, etc., Chris and I went in to the gym to do some weights.  We got right to work doing our usual rotation: bench press (I'm up to 60 pounds, by the way!), bicep curls with free weights, tri-downs, lat-pulls, sit-ups, and shoulder press.  After about 45 minutes, we saw our favorite spin instructor heading down the hall towards the spin room.  I asked Chris if we could go take the class, even though we weren't planning to because we usually go to spin Tues./Thurs. mornings.  He was reluctant, knowing how tough it is, but he conceded and we jumped in on the class.  Man, I LOVE spinning.  Tonight's class seemed particularly tough.  I mean, I literally had pools of sweat accumulating on the mat under my bike.  But I always feel so great afterwards.  It's kind of empowering.  And we're still planning to hit the 8:30am class.

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