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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Gym workout and running-streak challenge.

This morning I left the house bright and early, heading to the gym for some weights and a spin class.  I spent about 40-45 minutes doing weights.  It's kind of lonely doing weights without my husband, but since he is on day shift now, he spent his time at the gym today even earlier than I did!  After I finished with strength training, with trembling arms and abs, I went down to the spin room to catch the 8:30am class.  As always, it was another great sweat-fest.  I literally have sweat dripping into my face in a continuous stream. Does anyone out there have any suggestions for their favorite sweat/headbands?  I know some people like Bondi-bands, which I haven't tried, but are there any others?  I have a Sweatbands brand headband, and although it does well holding my hair back, it doesn't really absorb much sweat.  I'm tempted to go with the traditional, circa 1980's terry cloth sweat band, but I just don't know if I can pull off the Olivia Newton John look. ;)

When I came home from spinning, I sat down at the computer to enter in my workout on the various websites I use for that stuff, and came across an entry from one of my blogger-friends concerning a challenge she read about in Runner's World to complete a Summer Running Streak from Memorial Day until the 4th of July.  That means running at least a mile everyday, hence the "running streak" classification.  Even though I normally only run about 3 days a week, doing all kinds of cross-training on the other days, I figured it shouldn't be too difficult to throw a mile in there on my normal non-running days as well.  Yep, I'm going to give it a shot.  So far, so good.  Yesterday was the first day and I did that 9 miler, and today I just jumped on the treadmill this afternoon and did 2 miles.  Anyone else want to join us??

Read about it at Jan's blog, Running On Fumes!


  1. Yay for the running streak! I am super excited about doing this! It should definitely be a piece of cake adding on the miles :)

  2. Darn, here I thought it was something to do with running naked!

  3. I'll join you if you don't mind walkers on board :)

    1. Absolutely! Miles are miles, whether you're walking or running. :)


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