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Friday, June 29, 2012


I was so looking forward to today, thinking that I was going to get to sleep in a bit.  Alas, my kids had other plans - waffles for breakfast.  After fixing their waffles and cleaning up the kitchen, I had just enough time to do about 25 minutes of Pilates before getting ready to go to cub scouts.  Today we were practicing for the July 4th parade!

After scouts, I came home and fixed lunch for the kids, changed my clothes and headed into town.  Since I had a few errands to run, I decided to hit a spin class while I was close to the gym.  After spinning, I finished my errands then came home and jumped on the treadmill for a mile.  There are only 5 days left in the RW Summer Running Streak Challenge, but I'm contemplating seeing how long I can keep it up...

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